Thursday, July 29, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Additional weekly assignment
Each week of the course, students will participate in an online discussion forum in Moodle.
The discussion forums may be accessed at: http://moodle.coe.uh.edu/mod/forum/index.php?id=56
Discussion forum activities will begin on Monday each week and continue throughout the week, ending on the following Sunday. In these online discussions, we will explore research studies that focus on the same categories we are using to structure the course modules:
week #1 Communication - will discuss teachertube http://www.teachertube.com/
week #2 Creativity & Innovation - will discuss tagul http://tagul.com/
week #3 Critical Thinking & Problem Solving - will discuss lucidchart
week #4 Collaboration, Feedback, Reflection & Social Networking -will discuss easypolls
week #5 Presentation
and how they are used to support online education and/or instructional activities.
Each week, students will create a mini-research proposal for a study in their field and post it for discussion and feedback.
Here are the steps for each weekly discussion forum activity:
Step 1: FIND a Research Study Related to the Weekly Module Category
Students will find a relevant research study, journal article, or other related resource that is connected to the weekly module's category. The research findings should describe any aspect of how these topics were used to support an instructional goal. We have created a Research Studies in Distance Education web page that contains some studies and we will continue to update this page throughout the course. You may also search for other research findings that are related to your own area of interest and use those if you prefer.
Step 2: IDENTIFY Meaningful/Replicable Elements in the Study
Students should find elements within the study they reviewed that they could use in their own proposed study. For example, there are many research studies on the effectiveness of podcasting in education, which would fall under Module 1: Communication. Students could determine if the methodology or analysis procedure used in this study could be replicated in their own field.
Step 3: CREATE a Mini-Research Proposal of Your Own
Students will develop a plan for a possible research study based on the topic of the weekly module that also includes the use of a Web 2.0 tool or resource. An actual research study DOES NOT need to be conducted for this course, but the plan for such a study should be described in three to five paragraphs.
Students should answer the following questions in their mini-research proposal:
Why is the study important?
Who are the subjects/participants of the proposed study?
What is the basic research question?
Where would the study be conducted?
What is the time frame of the study?
What type of data would be collected?
How the data would be analyzed?
What study was the inspiration for this study? (Please cite author, title, where it was published, and the URL)
Step 4: SHARE your Mini-Research Proposal
Students should try to post their mini-research proposal on the Moodle discussion forum early in the week, leaving time for other students and the instructors to post their own comments and participate in an online discussion.
Step 5: COMMENT on Other Students' Plans
As mentioned above, students should also review the postings of other students and post questions or comments about the proposed research studies during each week's discussion period.
The discussion forums may be accessed at: http://moodle.coe.uh.edu/mod/forum/index.php?id=56
Discussion forum activities will begin on Monday each week and continue throughout the week, ending on the following Sunday. In these online discussions, we will explore research studies that focus on the same categories we are using to structure the course modules:
week #1 Communication - will discuss teachertube http://www.teachertube.com/
week #2 Creativity & Innovation - will discuss tagul http://tagul.com/
week #3 Critical Thinking & Problem Solving - will discuss lucidchart
week #4 Collaboration, Feedback, Reflection & Social Networking -will discuss easypolls
week #5 Presentation
and how they are used to support online education and/or instructional activities.
Each week, students will create a mini-research proposal for a study in their field and post it for discussion and feedback.
Here are the steps for each weekly discussion forum activity:
Step 1: FIND a Research Study Related to the Weekly Module Category
Students will find a relevant research study, journal article, or other related resource that is connected to the weekly module's category. The research findings should describe any aspect of how these topics were used to support an instructional goal. We have created a Research Studies in Distance Education web page that contains some studies and we will continue to update this page throughout the course. You may also search for other research findings that are related to your own area of interest and use those if you prefer.
Step 2: IDENTIFY Meaningful/Replicable Elements in the Study
Students should find elements within the study they reviewed that they could use in their own proposed study. For example, there are many research studies on the effectiveness of podcasting in education, which would fall under Module 1: Communication. Students could determine if the methodology or analysis procedure used in this study could be replicated in their own field.
Step 3: CREATE a Mini-Research Proposal of Your Own
Students will develop a plan for a possible research study based on the topic of the weekly module that also includes the use of a Web 2.0 tool or resource. An actual research study DOES NOT need to be conducted for this course, but the plan for such a study should be described in three to five paragraphs.
Students should answer the following questions in their mini-research proposal:
Why is the study important?
Who are the subjects/participants of the proposed study?
What is the basic research question?
Where would the study be conducted?
What is the time frame of the study?
What type of data would be collected?
How the data would be analyzed?
What study was the inspiration for this study? (Please cite author, title, where it was published, and the URL)
Step 4: SHARE your Mini-Research Proposal
Students should try to post their mini-research proposal on the Moodle discussion forum early in the week, leaving time for other students and the instructors to post their own comments and participate in an online discussion.
Step 5: COMMENT on Other Students' Plans
As mentioned above, students should also review the postings of other students and post questions or comments about the proposed research studies during each week's discussion period.
week 5 - easypolls
Name of the Tool
URL of the Tool
Please select the one, primary category for this tool:
Communication Tool
Please describe the tool
Easy Polls is a free tool available on website for creation of polls. The poll creation process is quick allowing easy creation of polls, as well as easy filling a single page form. The important component of Easy Polls are pre-maid, templates that can be easily used. With Easy Polls, the person creating the poll can concentrate more on coming up with good poll topics and questions, and less on figuring out how to set things up.
What do you need to know before using this tool?
No additional skills are required, only the knowledge how to operate computer's webside and have a clear idea what questions need to be included in the polls.
What do you need to have before using this tool?
internet connection
How do you use this tool?
1. Type on Google: easy polls
2. sign up for the free service
3. begin creation of polls
Please create an example with this tool and either embed in your blog or submit the URL.
example of created poll with my password:
Did you enjoy Renal rotation? yes...no....
Did you expand your knowledge in Nephrology during Renal rotation? yes....no....
Did you find Renal rotation to be useful for your future practive as Pediatrician? yes...no......
Would you advice your colleagues to take the Renal rotation in the future? yes...no...
Please describe a scenario of how you might use this tool in a teaching environment This tool can be used as shown in an example above: to assess if the Nephrology rotation was interesting and useful for general pediatrics residents.
It can be used in training program evaluation, teacher or student evaluation and many other easy to do and quick surveys. The goal of these suveys is to improve the program and learning in an aademic setting. AIt can have much broader application and use.
What are the advantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
The biggest advantage is easy creation, easy to access for respondents, preset choice of design. The advantage of this program is the fact that all the answers are being evaluated by the computer, giving instant statistics.
What are the disadvantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
It is a predesigned polling tool, it does not stimulate creativity of person who is designing the pole. The survey is very simple, although easy to do, but very basic in it's design.
URL of the Tool
Please select the one, primary category for this tool:
Communication Tool
Please describe the tool
Easy Polls is a free tool available on website for creation of polls. The poll creation process is quick allowing easy creation of polls, as well as easy filling a single page form. The important component of Easy Polls are pre-maid, templates that can be easily used. With Easy Polls, the person creating the poll can concentrate more on coming up with good poll topics and questions, and less on figuring out how to set things up.
What do you need to know before using this tool?
No additional skills are required, only the knowledge how to operate computer's webside and have a clear idea what questions need to be included in the polls.
What do you need to have before using this tool?
internet connection
How do you use this tool?
1. Type on Google: easy polls
2. sign up for the free service
3. begin creation of polls
Please create an example with this tool and either embed in your blog or submit the URL.
example of created poll with my password:
Did you enjoy Renal rotation? yes...no....
Did you expand your knowledge in Nephrology during Renal rotation? yes....no....
Did you find Renal rotation to be useful for your future practive as Pediatrician? yes...no......
Would you advice your colleagues to take the Renal rotation in the future? yes...no...
Please describe a scenario of how you might use this tool in a teaching environment This tool can be used as shown in an example above: to assess if the Nephrology rotation was interesting and useful for general pediatrics residents.
It can be used in training program evaluation, teacher or student evaluation and many other easy to do and quick surveys. The goal of these suveys is to improve the program and learning in an aademic setting. AIt can have much broader application and use.
What are the advantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
The biggest advantage is easy creation, easy to access for respondents, preset choice of design. The advantage of this program is the fact that all the answers are being evaluated by the computer, giving instant statistics.
What are the disadvantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
It is a predesigned polling tool, it does not stimulate creativity of person who is designing the pole. The survey is very simple, although easy to do, but very basic in it's design.
week 3 - lucidchart

Name of the Tool
URL of the Tool
Please select the one, primary category for this tool: Communication Tool
Please describe this tool in your own words in about 250 words.
Lucichart is used to draw flow charts, organizational charts, network diagrams. It is very creative tool, can be used in real-time collaboration. It is easy to use, can import the created chart to powerpoint presentations.
What do you need to know before using this tool?
Before creating the chart you need to know well the discussed topic which can be turned into a flow-chart or another graphic representation.
What do you need to have before using this tool?
internet connection
How do you use this tool?
Enter http://www.lucidchart.com/, sign up for account
Choose the type of chart you want to use and start choosing outline of chart, colors, shapes, contant
It can be used for power point presentations, can use for book chapters, articles.
Please create an example with this tool and either embed in your blog or submit the URL.
Please describe a scenario of how you might use this tool in a teaching environment
Lucidcharts can be used for power point presentations. It uses a wonderful creativity tool from internet website, allowing to use personal design, by using different shapes, colors, graphic design.
What are the advantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
Power point presentations are most commonly used teaching tool in an academic enviroment, also can create flow charts for articles or book chapters.
What are the disadvantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
Disadvantage is that the document can be created for free for 14 days trial, so the project needs to be completed within this time frame and saved to jpeg or adobe.
URL of the Tool
Please select the one, primary category for this tool: Communication Tool
Please describe this tool in your own words in about 250 words.
Lucichart is used to draw flow charts, organizational charts, network diagrams. It is very creative tool, can be used in real-time collaboration. It is easy to use, can import the created chart to powerpoint presentations.
What do you need to know before using this tool?
Before creating the chart you need to know well the discussed topic which can be turned into a flow-chart or another graphic representation.
What do you need to have before using this tool?
internet connection
How do you use this tool?
Enter http://www.lucidchart.com/, sign up for account
Choose the type of chart you want to use and start choosing outline of chart, colors, shapes, contant
It can be used for power point presentations, can use for book chapters, articles.
Please create an example with this tool and either embed in your blog or submit the URL.
Please describe a scenario of how you might use this tool in a teaching environment
Lucidcharts can be used for power point presentations. It uses a wonderful creativity tool from internet website, allowing to use personal design, by using different shapes, colors, graphic design.
What are the advantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
Power point presentations are most commonly used teaching tool in an academic enviroment, also can create flow charts for articles or book chapters.
What are the disadvantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
Disadvantage is that the document can be created for free for 14 days trial, so the project needs to be completed within this time frame and saved to jpeg or adobe.
week 2 -tagul
Name of the Tool
URL of the Tool
Please select the one, primary category for this tool:
Communication Tool
Please describe this tool in your own words in about 250 words.
Generally, tag or word clouds visually depict the words used in a given text. Tagul is a creative form used to generate tag clouds. Tag clouds are artistically created, so that included words have different shapes and features like text inside text and rollover effects. Frequently used words may stick out with an increased font size, groups of tags may appear in uniform colors. Additionally, tag clouds can visualize relationships of words.
Tag clouds are much easier to grasp than simple lists, as words can be weighted with the help of font size and color. When we look at a text cloud, we see not only an informative, beautiful image that communicates much in a single glance, we see a whole new perspective on text.
The purpose of the tag cloud is to give user an easier way to browse the site and at the same time see popular content. Each tag is linked with a URL and is “clickable” which can be used for navigation. In recent years tag clouds have gained even more popularity because of their role in search engine optimization of web pages. Properly implemented, tag clouds make the website appear more interlinked
TagCrowd is a web application for visualizing word frequencies in any user-supplied text by creating what is popularly known as a tag cloud or text cloud. TagCrowd is taking tag clouds far beyond their original function:as topic summaries for speeches and written works, blog tool or website analysis for search engine optimization (SEO), r visual analysis of survey data
What do you need to know before using this tool?
Need to ha a written text that will be evaluated by Tagul. Tagul selects the most commonly used words in this text.
What do you need to have before using this tool?
internet connection
How do you use this tool?
1. Tagul, which can be found at http://tagul.com/cloud
2. Copy and save in word text that you want to be analyzed by Tagul
3. Paste the chosen text to an indicated area
4. Then choose the font, background color, speed, font color etc and save
Please create an example with this tool and either embed in your blog or submit the URL.
Please describe a scenario of how you might use this tool in a teaching environment
The chosen text is Cystinosis, the topic that I present at different meetings. Creation of word tag is very helpful for my presentation. I will include it in the second slide, right after intial slide with the title. This added slide with tag will be very informative and "eye catching", as it will introduce the most discussed words
What are the advantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
1. Tagul is initially designed to use it for visual representation of discussed topic, with big words indicating their importance
2. One can use it to analyze text through using a tool like TagCrowd. Intiially tag cloud needs to be created from any text and with TagCrowd one can analyze whether or not the use of words is balanced. This is useful especially for speech/presentation to analyze if some keys words are really the key words
What are the disadvantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
It may teach only through visually recording to memory headlines, similar to reading headlines in the newspaper, which would limit the student's curiosity in deeper analyzing the problem
URL of the Tool
Please select the one, primary category for this tool:
Communication Tool
Please describe this tool in your own words in about 250 words.
Generally, tag or word clouds visually depict the words used in a given text. Tagul is a creative form used to generate tag clouds. Tag clouds are artistically created, so that included words have different shapes and features like text inside text and rollover effects. Frequently used words may stick out with an increased font size, groups of tags may appear in uniform colors. Additionally, tag clouds can visualize relationships of words.
Tag clouds are much easier to grasp than simple lists, as words can be weighted with the help of font size and color. When we look at a text cloud, we see not only an informative, beautiful image that communicates much in a single glance, we see a whole new perspective on text.
The purpose of the tag cloud is to give user an easier way to browse the site and at the same time see popular content. Each tag is linked with a URL and is “clickable” which can be used for navigation. In recent years tag clouds have gained even more popularity because of their role in search engine optimization of web pages. Properly implemented, tag clouds make the website appear more interlinked
TagCrowd is a web application for visualizing word frequencies in any user-supplied text by creating what is popularly known as a tag cloud or text cloud. TagCrowd is taking tag clouds far beyond their original function:as topic summaries for speeches and written works, blog tool or website analysis for search engine optimization (SEO), r visual analysis of survey data
What do you need to know before using this tool?
Need to ha a written text that will be evaluated by Tagul. Tagul selects the most commonly used words in this text.
What do you need to have before using this tool?
internet connection
How do you use this tool?
1. Tagul, which can be found at http://tagul.com/cloud
2. Copy and save in word text that you want to be analyzed by Tagul
3. Paste the chosen text to an indicated area
4. Then choose the font, background color, speed, font color etc and save
Please create an example with this tool and either embed in your blog or submit the URL.
Please describe a scenario of how you might use this tool in a teaching environment
The chosen text is Cystinosis, the topic that I present at different meetings. Creation of word tag is very helpful for my presentation. I will include it in the second slide, right after intial slide with the title. This added slide with tag will be very informative and "eye catching", as it will introduce the most discussed words
What are the advantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
1. Tagul is initially designed to use it for visual representation of discussed topic, with big words indicating their importance
2. One can use it to analyze text through using a tool like TagCrowd. Intiially tag cloud needs to be created from any text and with TagCrowd one can analyze whether or not the use of words is balanced. This is useful especially for speech/presentation to analyze if some keys words are really the key words
What are the disadvantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
It may teach only through visually recording to memory headlines, similar to reading headlines in the newspaper, which would limit the student's curiosity in deeper analyzing the problem
week 1 -teachertube
week 1 - teachertube
Name of the Tool
- Teachertube
URL of the Tool
- TeacherTube.com
Please select the one, primary category for this tool:
- Communication Tool
Please describe this tool in your own words in about 250 words.
- The goal at TeacherTube.com is to provide an online community for sharing instructional teacher videos. TeacherTube is a video sharing website similar to, and based on, YouTube. It is designed to allow those in the educational industry, particularly teachers, to share educational resources such as video, audio, documents, photos, groups and blogs. The site contains a mixture of classroom teaching resources and others designed to aid teacher training as well as uploaded by students videos and college courses. As of March 2010, TeacherTube has over 525,000+ educational members and over 200,000 educational videos. It has found favour with educators for whom YouTube content is blocked by content filtering systems.
What do you need to know before using this tool? (What skills do you need to have?)
- Need to have a computer recording video availablity with microphone
What do you need to have before using this tool?
- Internet connection
How do you use this tool? (Write the basic steps using a numbered list)
- 1. type on internet: TeacherTube.com
- 2. Type the topic you want to explore, eg health or nutrition
- 3. View presentations and choose several of them that you consider an important tool in learning
Please create an example with this tool and either embed in your blog or submit the URL.
Please describe a scenario of how you might use this tool in a teaching environment
It can be used in online education of patients, through an easy and free access to internet. It presents a basic, school project explaining the function and role of kidney. It can be used in general pediatric nephrology clinic visit to educate patients and the families on the function and role of kidney. The video can be played on the big wall screen in the waiting room of Renal Clinic. It is prepared by the school student, so it is easy to understand for any age child.
What are the advantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
It is educational, can be entertaining, easy access, can be done at free time from home computer, can be accessed as many times as needed for learning
What are the disadvantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
Disadvantages are the wide access via internet. Those who participate in presentation need to be aware that anybody can see the presenters, so they should not disclose any personal information as well as they should be aware that the information delivered in the presentation should be the most accurate one, as it could not be changed or modified.
Name of the Tool
- Teachertube
URL of the Tool
- TeacherTube.com
Please select the one, primary category for this tool:
- Communication Tool
Please describe this tool in your own words in about 250 words.
- The goal at TeacherTube.com is to provide an online community for sharing instructional teacher videos. TeacherTube is a video sharing website similar to, and based on, YouTube. It is designed to allow those in the educational industry, particularly teachers, to share educational resources such as video, audio, documents, photos, groups and blogs. The site contains a mixture of classroom teaching resources and others designed to aid teacher training as well as uploaded by students videos and college courses. As of March 2010, TeacherTube has over 525,000+ educational members and over 200,000 educational videos. It has found favour with educators for whom YouTube content is blocked by content filtering systems.
What do you need to know before using this tool? (What skills do you need to have?)
- Need to have a computer recording video availablity with microphone
What do you need to have before using this tool?
- Internet connection
How do you use this tool? (Write the basic steps using a numbered list)
- 1. type on internet: TeacherTube.com
- 2. Type the topic you want to explore, eg health or nutrition
- 3. View presentations and choose several of them that you consider an important tool in learning
Please create an example with this tool and either embed in your blog or submit the URL.
Please describe a scenario of how you might use this tool in a teaching environment
It can be used in online education of patients, through an easy and free access to internet. It presents a basic, school project explaining the function and role of kidney. It can be used in general pediatric nephrology clinic visit to educate patients and the families on the function and role of kidney. The video can be played on the big wall screen in the waiting room of Renal Clinic. It is prepared by the school student, so it is easy to understand for any age child.
What are the advantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
It is educational, can be entertaining, easy access, can be done at free time from home computer, can be accessed as many times as needed for learning
What are the disadvantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
Disadvantages are the wide access via internet. Those who participate in presentation need to be aware that anybody can see the presenters, so they should not disclose any personal information as well as they should be aware that the information delivered in the presentation should be the most accurate one, as it could not be changed or modified.
week 1
week 2
week 3
week 5
For topics 1, 2, 3, and 5, your review should answer ALL of the following questions and components.
Name of the Tool
URL of the Tool
Please select the one, primary category for this tool: Communication Tool
Please describe this tool in your own words in about 250 words.
WordPress is the
......desscribe it...
What do you need to know before using this tool? (What skills do you need to have?)
What do you need to have before using this tool? (Resources)
internet connection
How do you use this tool? (Write the basic steps using a numbered list)
Please create an example with this tool and either embed in your blog or submit the URL.
Please describe a scenario of how you might use this tool in a teaching environment (about 500 words).
What are the advantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
What are the disadvantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
week 2
week 3
week 5
For topics 1, 2, 3, and 5, your review should answer ALL of the following questions and components.
Name of the Tool
URL of the Tool
Please select the one, primary category for this tool: Communication Tool
Please describe this tool in your own words in about 250 words.
WordPress is the
......desscribe it...
What do you need to know before using this tool? (What skills do you need to have?)
What do you need to have before using this tool? (Resources)
internet connection
How do you use this tool? (Write the basic steps using a numbered list)
Please create an example with this tool and either embed in your blog or submit the URL.
Please describe a scenario of how you might use this tool in a teaching environment (about 500 words).
What are the advantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
What are the disadvantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
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